Sunday, 19 February 2017

Software Management - What are the sources of change Why should change be made in a controlled way

Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
Project Report and Thesis contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

Software Management

Total marks - 80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) What is the need for metrics? What do you mean by indicators?

b) List the seven core metrics, their purpose and perspectives. [6+10]

2. Explain about interface design. [16]

3. What is risk? Is it economical to do risk management? What is the effect of this
activity on the overall cost of the project? [16]

4. Discuss the use of 4Gls for prototyping. What are the kinds of application for which
this would be recommended? Justify. [16]

5. What is meant by bottom-up integration test? Explain how it is implemented? [16]

6. Suggest three measures, three metrics and corresponding indicates that might be used to assess the service department of an LPG dealer ship. [16]

7. Explain behavioral modeling. [16]

8. Explain the recent advances in one of the leading edge software application areas among:

(a) web based application

(b) virtual reality [16]

9. What were the metrics collected in CCPDS-R? What is the purpose of each metric? [16]

10.a) What are the five components of software cost models?

b) What are the components of a good cost estimate, in practice? [8+8]

11.a) Why does software didn't give as much returns on investment as other industries?

b) What are the ways of achieving better economics in Software? [8+8]

12.a) What are the primary objectives of the four phases of SW lifecycle?

b) What are the essential activities in Inception and elaboration phases? [8+8]

13.a) What are the seven workflows in the lifecycle?

b) What levels of activity take place in these workflows during each of the four phases 
(Inception, elaboration, construction and transition)? [8+8]

14.a) What are the steps in identifying project roles? Name any five project roles and the skills needed for them.

b) What are the benefits of matching people to roles? [10+6]

15.a) What are the sources of change? Why should change be made in a controlled way?

b) Define a configuration baseline. [10+6]

Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
Project Report and Thesis contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

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