Tuesday 17 January 2017

Marketing Management

Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
Project Report and Thesis - Contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

Marketing Management

Q1. Define pricing Describe various factors influencing the pricing decisions. (10 marks)

Q2. Discuss the pricing techniques application to a FMCG product being launched In a highly competitive market. (10 marks)

Q3. What are the various channels of distribution generally used by companies of Distribute FMCG? (10 marks)

Q4. What are the various types of Brand Extensions? Explain with necessary examples wherever required. (10 marks)

Q5. Explain Significance of Branding. (10 marks)

Q6. What is Audiovisual Medias of Advertising? (10 marks)

Q7. List Media habits(of target segment). (10 marks)

Q8. What is Inventory Management?

Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
Project Report and Thesis - Contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

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