Thursday 19 January 2017

Marketing Management - Explain Channel conflicts

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Marketing Management

Q1. What do you mean by the term product Life Cycle (PLC) Explain the stages of PLC. Find out in which stage of PLC are the Following product in India, and suggest suitable marketing strategies for each

a) Tooth Powder b) Microwave Ovens b) Bicycles d) VCRs.

Q2. What are the functions of Marketing Mix .Discuss three Brands that failed due to poor integration of the marketing mix elements.

Q3. Rush Mush Foods (P) Ltd.’ plans to launch a new line of mushroom, based instant food products. They already have a popular line of (non instant) mushroom products, in the market. Which steps will you recommend to the management of ‘Rush Mush” to enable their launch in the Indian market? Make necessary assumptions and justify your answer.

Q4. Present the factors that influence the pricing strategy of an organization .Which among them are non – controllable? Why?

Q5. Explain Inventory Decisions.

Q6. Explain On Line marketing

Q7. What is Test marketing?

Q8. Explain Channel conflicts

Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
Project Report and Thesis - Contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

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