Friday 3 March 2017

Marketing Management - Advertisement expenses are usually wasteful, with no guarantee of enhanced sales or higher loyalty from among the target audience” .Do you agree with this statement Present your view – point

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ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

Marketing Management

Q1. What is Inventory Management (10 marks)

Q2. Explain On Line marketing (10 marks)

Q3. Present the major. issues affecting “costs’ in the context of Inventory , management. Explain your views citing Examples (10marks)

Q4. Present the factors that influence the pricing strategy of an organization .Which among them are non – controllable ? Why? (10 marks)

Q5. Advertisement expenses are usually wasteful, with no guarantee of enhanced sales or higher loyalty from among the target audience” .Do you agree with this statement ?Present your view – point. (10 marks)

Q6. What do you mean by the term Physical Distribution? Explain briefly the nature & importation in the sphere of physical distribution (10 marks)

Q7. “Ware – housing decision are growingly becoming more critical” . Discuss quoting examples (10 marks)

Q8. R.K.Industries Ltd., intends to launch a new folding exercise cycle in Indian market. As a marketing manager which steps would you like to take while launching this product? How will you conduct the test marketing for this product. Make necessary Assumptions and justify your answer. (10 marks)

Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
Project Report and Thesis - Contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

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