Wednesday 29 March 2017

Define budgetary control system. What are the prerequisites for effective budgetary system

Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
Project Report and Thesis contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

General Management

Answer the following question.

Q1. What are the approaches to the study of management? (10 marks)

Q2. What are the factors affecting the degree of decentralization? (10marks)

Q3. What is the significance of HRM? (10 marks)

Q4. What are the techniques of training? (10 marks)

Q5. What are transmission channels? (10 marks)

Q6. Explain the control processes (10 marks)

Q7. Define budgetary control system. What are the prerequisites for effective budgetary system? (10 marks)

Q8. What is management audit (10 marks)

Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
Project Report and Thesis contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

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