Saturday, 31 December 2016

Principles and Practice of Management - What are the special features of the line organization

Answer Sheet, Project Reports, Thesis Reports contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

Principles and Practice of Management

Answer the following question.

Q1. Explain advantages of formal definition of objectives. (10 marks)

Q2. What are the special features of the line organization? (10 marks)

Q3. Explain principle of objective. (10 marks)

Q4. What is job analysis? Evaluate its significance in staffing function. (10 marks)

Q5. Describe different types of decisions. (10 marks)

Q6. Explain main tools of operational research in decision making. (10 marks)

Q7. Why leadership is different from manager ship? (10 marks)

Q8. Write short note on Managerial skills & Levels of management (10 marks)

Answer Sheet, Project Reports, Thesis Reports contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

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